Let's find out.
There are two ways to figure out if your wrench has enough capacity to achieve the minimum required bolt tension.
- Bust out the Skidmore, stuff the bolt in it, tighten with your gun until desired tension is achieved or gun stalls out, which ever happens first.
- If you reach at least 20% more than the required tension, it should do the job in the steel.
- If it doesn’t, lube assembly or get a bigger gun or both.
- On a bolt assembly in the steel, tighten with your gun until complete indication is achieved w/ Squirter/DuraSquirt DTI or gun stalls out, which ever happens first.
- If complete Squirt indication is achieved, gun is good to go.
- If complete Squirt indication is not achieved, lube assembly or get a bigger gun or both (check flat washer requirements and hole type/diameter just in case).
We have a handy guide on our website that can help you choose a wrench with enough capacity to complete the job at hand.